Alcons Audio 日本で特許取得!

Alcons Audio 日本で特許取得!

髪の長い長渕 剛が懐かしい、スタッフPです。

今回は、Alcons Audioが日本での特許を取得したお話し。
Alcons Audioの持つプロリボン分散制御の特許技術が、日本でも受理されました(パチパチ)。

Another patent in the pocket! This time, we were granted a patent registration in Japan, on our latest pro-ribbon dispersion control invention. With all audio legacy and electro-acoustics R&D, this is not the easiest country to get a patent granted!
For our pro-ribbon transducer developments, we typically apply for a patent worldwide; This means, that the invention needs to be researched in each individual country by a local examiner, for being a novelty, having an “inventive step” and be applicable. Quite a long (and expensive!) process.
With ongoing research and 35+ years R&D experience, patents keep Alcons Audio at the forefront of pro-ribbon transducer technology.
